Monday, October 8, 2012

Make Good Choices–A Free Sort for Mental and Emotional Health

My class is just wrapping up our first unit on Mental Sort good and bad choices in regards to Mental and Emotional Healthand Emotional Health.  It was so nice to start with a unit like this, because it lends itself so nicely to the things we discuss in the beginning of the year: getting along, working out your problems, being a good community etc.  For our assessment activity, we completed a sort of good and bad choices that can be made, in regards to your mental health.  You can grab this sort free from my blog – Google Docs.


During this Unit, we talked about how to keep ourselves Mentally and Emotionally Healthy.  Here are some of the things we talked about:

1.)  Spending time on things you enjoy.

2.)  Being unique and enjoying it.

3.)  Being kind to others.

4.)  Having a balance between work and rest.

5.)  Appreciating what you have.

6.)  Spending time with family and friends


Some of the books we read are:



Some of the activities we did were:

- Create skits about common problem solving issues within our class.

- Create class agreements to keep each other mentally healthy.

- Create a list of different ways to rest.

- Discuss how to find balance and appreciate what we have.

Heidi Raki of Raki's Rad Resources