Wednesday, February 18, 2015

What is Everyone Saying About Math Tiling Puzzles

When I was in the classroom, tiling puzzles were my absolutely FAVORITE math activity.  I started out each trimester giving each student a stapled packet of 10 tiling puzzles, which they worked on whenever they finished work early.  If they finished the entire packet before the trimester was done, there was a no-homework pass available as a prize.  Not only did this keep the kiddos focused and prevent management issues, but the tiling puzzles forced students to work on math facts, math concepts and critical thinking all at the same time.  Plus, because I had puzzles for each operation, I could easily differentiate by simply giving different students different puzzle packs.

Math tiling puzzles allow students to work on math facts, math concepts and critical thinking all at the same time. Stop by Raki's Rad Resources to find more information about these fabulous puzzles.    Math tiling puzzles allow students to work on math facts, math concepts and critical thinking all at the same time. Stop by Raki's Rad Resources to find more information about these fabulous puzzles.

I am not the only one who loves these packets.  Here are some comments that I pulled from the various packets I have available:

“I absolutely love these! The students have to look at multiplication in many different ways to solve the problems. Sometimes they have to reverse the process. Sometimes they must think of possible multiples and eliminate the ones that won't work. Excellent for encouraging them to think "outside the box". Taught them to eliminate as many choices first with reasoning skills and using guess & check with the final possibilities. Thanks for an excellent resource:)”

Math tiling puzzles allow students to work on math facts, math concepts and critical thinking all at the same time. Stop by Raki's Rad Resources to find more information about these fabulous puzzles.“Great for students who finish early!”

“High praise from students... I tried your freebee and was impressed with how it kept my more skilled mathematicians engaged. One of them just saw me printing this packet and said, "Oh I love those!"

“I downloaded the sample version and I love it! I have 6th grade students who are having difficulty with multiplication so this is a great tool to have them self-check!”

“This is great! Just challenging enough to work as a math center yet not too challenging that they will give up. What a creative idea! Thank you for providing.”

“This will be a great bell activity and refresher after the long weekend. Thanks”

 “This is genius! I love how critical thinking is needed to only use each tile one time - along with the addition practice! Thank you for a great product.”


At my Teachers Pay Teacher store, I have 50 Addition & Subtraction puzzles and 50 Multiplication & Division puzzles, but I also have 10 different puzzles available completely FREE, so feel free to grab some free puzzles and see if your kids love them as much as mine did.


Heidi Raki of Raki's Rad Resources

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