Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Using Wallwisher as a Center

It’s time for the Wednesday Website suggestion!! For two years, I was the Technology Specialist at a school in Georgia. During that time, I amassed a large collection of websites that I use with my students. If you want to search through some of them, you can check out my IKeepBookmarks site. Or, you can check back here each week for the Wednesday Website suggestion.

Have you ever used Wallwisher?  I have used it in multiple professional development activities, but I think lots of teachers overlook it’s uses in our computer center.  So, this week’s Wednesday Website suggestion is  This website is basically a wallwishervirtual interactive bulletin board, where different people can collaborate to join their ideas together by adding a “sticky note” to the wall.  You can also add pictures, and videos to your sticky notes.  It’s a great way to get kids collaborating, but it’s also an innovative way to collect information from your students and it makes an easy computer center.  Here are some ways you can use Wallwisher in your classroom:
1.)  Put a challenge up on your wall for students to complete when they come to the computer center.  For example:  Write a silly sentence using two or three of your spelling words.
2.)  Assign your students a video (by adding the link to your post on the wall).  After students have watched the video – they can answer a question about the video, tell you their favorite part, or even leave you a question about something they didn’t understand.
3.) Combine two great sites to make a dynamic listening center – Add the video links from to a post.  Let students listen to the story and then “summarize” the story in 160 characters or less (160 characters is the limit for each sticky note).
4.)  Make a virtual “add a sentence” story – post a picture into a sticky note and write the first sentence of a story about that picture.  Ask students to add one sentence to the story, by adding a sticky note and placing their sticky notes in order to make a story.  
5.)  Do Math Problem Solving in Reverse.  Post a number sentence (2x5=10) to your question.  Have students each add a sticky note with a self-created word problem that could use the number sentence.
 5-Star Blogger
BTW – I am taking the Organized Classroom Blog’s 5-Star Blogger Challenge.  Stop by her blog for details, and please feel free to leave me a comment telling me if I am a 5-Star Blogger.

Hope you enjoyed this Wednesday’s Website suggestion – check back each Wednesday for a new Wednesday's Website suggestion and click HERE to view previous Website suggestions.


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  1. I haven't heard of this. I need to check it out. I've enjoyed my visit to your blog! I'm so happy to be a 5 star blogger too! Come by when you get a chance!

    Blogging Blessings,

  2. I love this! I definately want to implement it! My students will love it.
